Couples Counseling

Within our relationships, we gain insight into ourselves and experience the opportunity to heal.


Couples Counseling Explores Your Relationship with An Intimate Partner

From an early age, we learn and develop patterns for relationships by observing our family of origin. The way communication and conflict are modeled for us forms our deepest held beliefs and values. As an adult, those patterns, beliefs and values will show up in our chosen relationships–particularly a close, intimate relationship with a partner.

In couples therapy, the relationship between two intimate partners is treated as its own person, meaning that neither partner’s needs or priorities are placed above the relationship itself.

When both partners take on this mindset, it creates an avenue for a shared experience of healing and growth. We will explore the relationship’s dynamic to understand what is happening, how to improve the interactions, and reduce conflict. Whether your goal is to heal a marriage, work towards a marriage, or decide if marriage is right for you and your partner, we can help you ask the right questions and achieve your goals.

In couples sessions we primarily utilize Emotional Focused Therapy which involves a thorough assessment and works directly with the emotional attachment and bond of your relationship.

Couples therapy sessions are 50-minutes, and can be done with dating, engaged, long-term, or married couples.

Learn About Our Approaches To Therapy