Frequently Asked Questions


Where is the office located?

675 Seminole Ave. NE, Suite 103, Atlanta, GA 30307 - We are in the Poncey Highlands neighborhood.



It’s Atlanta, will you please tell me about parking?

The building is located off of Ponce de Leon Ave, at the corner of Seminole Ave and Blue Ridge Ave. Parking is available on the street and a paid parking deck across the street from the building.

Are sessions in person or virtual?

We offer sessions in person as well as virtual. We believe there is benefit to both options and they each provide an environment for quality therapy. Many people feel that being in person is an important experience of therapy. And many people also prefer the convenience of meeting virtually. We ask that for virtual sessions that you identify a place that can provide comfort, minimal distractions, and confidentiality. For virtual couples therapy, we ask that the couple be in the same location. We invite you to let us know what type of session you prefer.

Do you accept insurance?

We are not providers for any insurance or managed care companies, however our services are covered under many out-of-network insurance plans. You can check with your insurance company to understand your out-of-network benefits. You will be provided with the paid invoice as documentation to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. The payment for each session is due at the time of service. Many people choose to keep a credit card or HSA card on file for payment.

Below are some questions that might be helpful when you speak with your insurance company:

  • What are my out-of-network outpatient mental health insurance benefits?

  • What is my deductible and have I met it?

  • Is it possible to meet with a provider that I chose and submit invoices for reimbursement?

  • Are there any limitations on how many services a year that will be covered?

  • What is the coverage amount per therapy session?

  • How long will it take to get my reimbursement?

  • Do I need a referral from a primary care physician?

What can I expect from my first sessions?

After we make your first appointment, you will be asked to complete the intake paperwork via our client portal. This intake paperwork will help guide the first assessment sessions. We prefer to plan for weekly sessions in the beginning to help us get off to a solid start and build rapport. The connection of the therapeutic relationship is an important part of effective treatment. We believe the connection and understanding cultivated during these first assessment sessions are an integral part of the overall success of therapy.

As your time in therapy continues, we will provide recommendations and suggestions for support in between sessions that will enrich your progress in therapy. We will also continue to monitor your progress and continue to assess frequency and various interventions that will help you reach your goals.