Relationship Conflict

Neurologically, humans are “wired” to connect and attach to other humans; one of our core desires is to feel safe in our closest relationships. So when there is conflict or separation in one of those relationships, we often feel tremendous loss and pain.


At Sage Mind, we can work with you through individual or couples therapy to address this pain and build healthier relationships.

When left unattended, this pain can show up in how we take care of ourselves and the priorities we develop, and will deeply impact our future relationships and ability to sustain them.

Often, conflict in our intimate relationships is our inner self reenacting trauma from our past. We work with our clients to identify and heal past trauma for the benefit for present and future relationships – both the relationship with yourself and others.

We work with individuals and couples to resolve past traumas and attachment wounds, through emotionally focused therapy (EFT). Using a trauma-informed paradigm to understand your story, we will help you cultivate insight into your patterns and wisdom about changes you can make to have the relationships you desire. We provide a safe, affirming, non-judgmental space for you to navigate your healing process.